Definitions for "Exudates"
the name given to fluids which have leaked from blood vessels in the retina. These form hard deposits on the retina which are a feature of retinopathy.
Fluid, cells, or cellular debris which has escaped from blood vessels and has been deposited in or on tissues, usually as a esult of inflammation.
Fat products that seep from blood vessels in the retina. Usually caused by diabetes or high blood pressure.
Keywords:  teak, rosewoods, gluing, gum, veneer
Secretions such as resin, gum, oil, or latex over the surface of veneer. Excessive secretion of such exudates can adversely affect some gluing and finishing operations. Very typical in rosewoods, and Teak
Natural material secreted by plants - can be spontaneous or after damage to plant
Soluble sugars, amino acids and other compounds secreted by roots.