Definitions for "Emergencies"
How do you decide if something is a true dental emergency? Generally, if you have swelling, an exposed tooth, bleeding, or sharp throbbing pain, that is a dental emergency. If you knock a tooth loose or out, attempt to gently rinse it off lightly with water and reposition it as soon as possible. A tooth that is knocked out and let dry in the air for over an hour has a poor prognosis, whereas a tooth that is reimplanted within twenty minutes, has a good prognosis. If you have spontaneous ongoing pain or swelling or have experienced trauma, you should make arrangements to see your dentist as soon as possible. CDA
Police Emergency Tel: 060, Non-emergency Tel: 221-2588, 223-2500 Fire Department Emergency Tel: 060, Non-emergency Tel: 293-1712
Emergencies are defined as situations in which a home and its occupants are in danger. Included are fire, dangerous electrical problems, leaking water and complete stoppage of all drains. Please refer to the Warranty Service section on Emergencies in this manual.
Keywords:  pet
Pet Emergencies
Keywords:  campus, safety, boxes, needed, contact
contact Public Safety (1401 on a campus phone - 706-737-1401 on other phones); give name, location and nature of assistance needed. Emergency call boxes are located around campus.