Definitions for "Derived"
referring to the form a characteristic takes after having undergone a transformative process, e.g. a new form is derived from an ancestral form through evolutionary change. In cladistics, derived characters are referred to as apomorphies.
Describes a character state that is present in one or more subclades, but not all, of a clade under consideration. A derived character state is inferred to be a modified version of the primitive condition of that character, and to have arisen later in the evolution of the clade. For example, "presence of hair" is a primitive character state for all mammals, whereas the "hairlessness" of whales is a derived state for one subclade within the Mammalia.
(adj.) Describes character(s) that changed from a primitive state; advanced.
formed or developed from something else; not original; "the belief that classes and organizations are secondary and derived"- John Dewey
A derived attribute is one that is passed up from a lower node in a tree. A number such as 10 may have a derived attribute of integer, whereas 10L has a derived attribute of long. This is the opposite of an inherited attribute. Inherited attributes are passed from higher nodes down to lower nodes. If 10 were an argument to a function that required a char type then 10 would inherit a char attribute.
class: A class which inherits data members and functions from a base class forming an IS-A relationship with that class.
thematic maps: maps obtained through interpolation of observed values or maps obtained from analysis and correlation of other derived thematic maps.
determined by mathematical computation; "the calculated velocity of a bullet"; "a derived value"
Keywords:  retrieved, data, information
data that is derived from other retrieved information.
Keywords:  substances, produced, another
A substance produced from another substance or substances.