Definitions for "Crossing over"
Where a section of one chromosome switches places with the same section from the other chromosome of the pair. This sometimes occurs when a germ cell makes copies of its chromosomes before dividing.
the reciprocal exchange of genetic material between nonsister chromatids during synapsis of meiosis I
Exchange of genetic material between maternal and paternal chromatids during meiosis to produce recombined chromosomes. ( Figure 8-18) See also recombination.
Unsound gait which starts with twisting elbows and ends with crisscrossing and toeing out. Also called "knitting and purling" and "weaving".
Unsound gaiting action which starts with twisting elbows and ends with criss-crossing and toeing out. Also called "knitting" and "weaving".
Keywords:  omega, main, character, appearing, act
the act of an Omega, especially a Main character, appearing in a Title that they are not normally a part of.
Keywords:  over