Definitions for "Commuted Value"
The commuted value of a pension benefit refers to the amount of money that needs to be set aside today, at current market interest rates, to provide sufficient funds to pay for a pension when a plan member retires, i.e., how much a benefit is worth today. Commuted values express the lump sum value of a promised benefit, usually from a defined benefit pension plan. The commuted value takes into account the benefits, interest and mortality. The lower the current interest rates, the higher the commuted value will be, because it is assumed that the amount today will earn less from now until retirement; and, conversely, the higher the current interest rates, the lower the commuted value.
In Canada, the present value of the pension benefits expected to be paid to a retiree from the date of retirement until death.----------[ Back
The equivalent value of a future series of payments, paid immediately as a lump sum.