Definitions for "CIDS"
Career Information Delivery System. CIDS link occupations to knowledge and skills, link knowledge and skills to programs of study, link programs of study to specific institutions, link specific institutions to costs, and link costs to sources of financial assistance. The ACSCI Standards provide criteria for public and private organizations that are concerned with delivering high quality tools for career development. Their career information and services range from highly specific components, aimed at a single career development function, to comprehensive systems. CIDS are used by young people and adults in public and private elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, public and private agencies, rehabilitation firms, libraries, community-based organizations, juvenile and adult correctional facilities, and private businesses.
Calling Identity Delivery & Suppression
a computerized guidance system that presents information for career planning that is unbiased, accurate, current, relevant, specific, and understandable to students, workers, parents, administrators, job seekers, and others