Definitions for "CER"
Carbon Emissions Receipts
Certified Emission Reduction. CDM projects will generate these, which Annex I countries can then add to their assigned amounts.
Certified Emission Reductions. Reductions of greenhouse gases achieved by a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project – also referred to as CDM credits. CERs can be sold or counted towards industrialized countries’ reduction commitments. Reductions must be additional to any that would otherwise occur.
One of two indexes used to adjust pesified debts for inflation. CER adjusts debts according to inflation in the prices of goods and services (as opposed to CVS, which adjusts debts according to the growth in salaries). Part of a package of laws intended to shield debtors who borrowed in dollars from the collapse of the peso. (" Coeficiente de Estabilización de Referencia."). See also A symmetrical Pesification.
Closer Economic Relations (with New Zealand)
Closer Economic Relations. The policy that seeks to reduce and eliminate trade barriers between Australia and New Zealand.
Closer Economic Relations. Trade & Economy
Centre for European Reform
Community of European Railways
Italian word for EWC (European Waste Code)
Keywords:  error, qos, review, iep, exceptionality
Certified Environmental Reviewer.
cell error ratio
The ratio of errored cells in a transmission to the total cells sent in a transmission. The measurement is taken over a time interval and should be measured on an in-service circuit.
Cost Estimating Relationship. A mathematical relationship that defines cost as a function of one or more parameters such as performance, operating characteristics, physical characteristics, etc NASA Cost Estimating Handbook 2004 Keyword(s): Cost Estimating Relationship (CER)
Cost Estimating Relationships. A mathematical expression that describes, for predicative purposes, the cost of an item or activity as a function of one or more independent variables.
Cost estimating relationship (Hombach, 1995). See "parametric cost estimating."
Keywords:  emotional, evokes, rat, fear, stimulus
a conditioned emotional response, an emotional response that has been acquired by conditioning.
conditioned emotional response. A type of conditioned response that involves a complex set of behaviors characterizing fear. In many cases, the CER is measured by its capacity to interrupt other ongoing behaviors.
conditioned emotional response. A technique in which a conditioned stimulus evokes fear, which in turn suppresses whatever other activities the animal is currently engaged in. For example, a rat will no longer press a lever for a food reward after several trials involving a light or tone that precedes an electrical shock.
Communications Equipment Room. A centralized and dedicated area where the cabling for each of the Ethernet jacks and access points in a building is aggregated into Ethernet switches. The Ethernet switches in a CER typically connect to the building demarcation switch via Gigabit Ethernet. Some buildings require multiple CERs depending on the density and distance of the cable runs.
Central Employee Registration. Used by Human Resources to manage employee information
Center for Epidemiologic Research at the Oak Ridge Institute for Research and Education.
An abbreviation of constant exchange rates.... more on: CER
Constant Exchange Rate
Keywords:  canonical, encoding, rules
Canonical Encoding Rules
Keywords:  event, control, rate, treatment, see
Call Event Record
Control Event Rate: see Event Rate.
Control Event Rate. See treatment effects.
Keywords:  router, edge, customer
Customer Edge Router.
Cash earnings ratio. Reflects the current share price divided by cash flow per share.
Commission for Energy Regulation