Definitions for "Canadian Shield"
Named after its shield-like outline, the Shield is a major structural unit of the Earth's crust consisting of a large mass of exposed or nearly exposed Precambrian rock. The rocks of the Shield represents at least 5/6 of the planet's history and cover 1/2 of Canada's territory. It is characterized by a relatively low relief and numerous lakes. In addition copper, gold nickel, uranium, and iron ore are some of the non-renewable resources commonly found.
U-shaped region of very hard, ancient rock, composed mainly of granitic and gneissic rocks. It stretches from Newfoundland, southwest to the Great Lakes, and northwest to the Arctic Ocean. Covering more than half of Canada, it also includes most of Greenland and extends into the United States.
an area of granite rock that encircles all but the northern portion of Hudson’s Bay (It consists of some of the oldest rock in the world.)