Definitions for "BWS"
Keywords:  sudameris, wiese, banco
Banco Wiese Sudameris
BATTERED WOMAN'S SYNDROME. A condition characterized by a history of repetitive spousal abuse and learned helplessness — or the subjective inability to leave an abusive situation. BWS has been defined by California courts as "a series of common characteristics that appear in women who are abused physically and psychologically over an extended period of time by the dominant male figure in their lives; a pattern of psychological symptoms that develop after somebody has lived in a battering relationship; or a pattern of responses and perceptions presumed to be characteristic of women who have been subjected to continuous physical abuse by their mates[s]."
Blue and White Strip, both pre-cursor to and contemporary with red and white strips (see RWS), for councils and communities. Blue is the background material. These were used for the Sea Scout blue uniform. Generally these were discontinued in 1972.
blue seascape
British Watercolour Society RN Royal Navy
Keywords:  bridge, world, standard
Bridge World Standard
Keywords:  bandwidth, select
Bandwidth Select