Definitions for "BookWorm"
Keywords:  devoted, worm, feeding, keen, grub
someone who spends a great deal of time reading
a person who is particularly keen on reading or devoted to academic study
a person who likes reading very much
Keywords:  moth, larva, beetle, tunnel, fly
Any larva of a beetle or moth, which is injurious to books. Many species are known.
moth or fly larvae which tunnel through the pages of books leaving behind small channels, holes in individual leaves.
Bookworm was the eponymous fictional character in a comic strip in the British comic, Whoopee!. It first appeared in the early 1980s, and survived Whoopee!'s merger with Whizzer and Chips in 1985, becoming a Chip-ite. It was drawn by Sid Burgon for most of its history, although Barry Glennard drew a substantial number of episodes.
a very good alternative to some of the violent action games popular today
Bookworm is a popular generalization for any insect which supposedly bores through books.
Bookworm (or Bespelled) is a word-forming computer puzzle game by Pop Cap Games. From a grid of available letters, players connect letters to form words. As words are formed, they are removed from the grid and the remaining letters collapse to fill the available space.
Keywords:  isbn, annoying, mysql, php, retrieve
A PHP/MySQL script created for the administration of a personal book collection. The script will retrieve from the Internet all of the book's information based on the entered ISBN number, effectively eliminating annoying data entry.
A student closely attached to books or addicted to study; a reader without appreciation.
a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit