Definitions for "Black body"
A hypothetical object that absorbs all of the radiation that strikes it. It also emits radiation at a maximum rate for its given temperature.
An ideal body which, if it existed, would be a perfect absorber and a perfect radiator, absorbing all incident radiation, reflecting none, and emitting radiation at wavelengths. In remote sensing, the exitance curves of black bodies at various temperatures can be used to model naturally occurring phenomena like solar radiation and terrestrial emmitance.
an ideal or imaginary body that is absolutely black when cold, but is a perfect absorber of radiation and at the same time a perfect radiator. Black body temperatures are used to work out the theoretical laws of radiation and to calculate the temperature of the sun.
"A signal output from the CCD image sensor is an analog signal. To use the signal for various measurements and differentiations, the analog signal must be first converted into a digital signal. To convert from analog to digital, a threshold (binary level) is set for the signal from the CCD image sensor, as shown below. Areas brighter than the threshold are defined as "bright", and areas darker than the threshold are defined as "dark". Thus, all areas are defined as either "bright" or "dark". This process is termed binarization, and digital signals corresponding to "bright" are defined as "1" (= HI), and those corresponding to "dark" are defined as "0" (= LO). The intersection of the signal from the CCD image sensor and the threshold is termed "edge". Detection of this "edge" is applied for various measurements and differentiations."