Definitions for "Adamantium"
An artificially created alloy of iron that is the most impervious substance known on Earth, with the exception of the unknown Adamantium-Vibranium alloy of which Captain America's shield is composed.
Adamantium is a fictional chemical substance, often a metal. The name comes from adamant or adamantine combined with the Neo-latin ending -ium, and resembles the form of the names of the chemical elements. In its classical meaning, adamant referred either to any hard substance, including diamond, or a hypothetical impenetrable mineral; thus, adamantium often refers to a fictional impenetrable element or substance.
Adamantium is a fictional chemical substance and metal alloy in the Marvel comics' universe. Adamantium is supposedly indestructible, and the chemical processes needed to create it are incredibly difficult to achieve and exceedingly expensive. Adamantium is, most famously, the metal bonded to Wolverine's entire skeleton.
Adamantium was a metalcore band from Orange County, California, USA.