Definitions for "Weighting"
The relative proportion of each of a group of securities or asset class es within a single investment portfolio. (See also Overweight, Underweight).
The amount (usually percentage) that a specific variable represents overall. For example, the proportion of exposure that a specific asset, region or sector represents in a portfolio, compared to the benchmark against which the portfolio is measured.
The proportion of a share or asset class in a portfolio of a fund compared with the proportion in an index.
The action of a skier's body mass exerting pressure through one or both skis onto the snow. See also unweighting.
Weighting is the process by which data are adjusted to reflect the known population profile. This is to counter any effects of differential refusal rates, interviewers falling short on particular quotas, or to correct for any over-sampling of minority populations. A 'weight' is the percent assigned to a particular criterion. We need to weight the sample is the responses show that particular groups (for example younger people or those living in a particular area) are under represented in the sample. If this is not carried out then the results will not properly reflect the views of the population being considered. Where data has not been weighted, this is referred to as 'unweighted' data.
Application of body weight to a particular area of the ski.
The process of assigning "weights" to different object s, especially to competing tender s, according to some established criteria for evaluating their relative merits or value and hence for making a logic al and justifiable selection. [D03401] RMW
Specification of the relative importance of items when combined.
Statistical term whereby a factor or 'weighting' is added in a computation in order to reflect its particular importance. An assignment might be given a weighting in order to reflect its importance over other, non-weighted assignments.
An equalization curve used in audio tests that compensates for the Fletcher Munson Effect at various levels.
Adjustment of signal frequency response to achieve a desired measurement. Often used in sound-level meters to match the human ears response to sounds.
Often times when laboratory measurements are taken of audio gear, the literal, "true" figures obtained do not reflect the anomalies introduced by human perception. In these cases, the specs obtained may be mathematically modified, or "weighted" to take into account the way our ears work. A good example is "A-weighting", a curve applied to sound pressure levels to more accurately reflect our loudness perception. Other types of weighting compensate for the ear's frequency response, etc.
To delicately rest one's weight on a piece of protection to test its security.
As in, "weighting the rope." Any time the rope takes the weight of the climber. This can happen during a minor fall, a whipper (long fall), or simply by resting while hanging on the belay rope (see also hangdogging.)
Process of systematically increasing the value of a particular data element or elements so as to give that element more significance in the analysis or calculations.
(1) For evaluation of customer lists, a means of applying values to the RF$UISM data for each cell. (For larger lists this is better done by a computer regression analysis); (2) for merge/purge, a means of applying a form of mathematical analysis to each component for unduplicating.
Correction of SNR measurements to take into account such factors as bandwidth and annoyance value.
Keywords:  clis, gdp, ppp, aggregation, zone
Component series are equally weighted in the aggregation process into a country CLI. On the other hand, GDP-PPP weights are used to estimate the CLIs for groups of countries, i.e. zone.
The process of weighting involves emphasising some aspects of a phenomenon, or of a set of data — giving them 'more weight' in the final effect or result. It is analogous to the practice of adding extra weight to one side of a pair of scales to favour a buyer or seller.
Keywords:  stiffness, fabric, silk, salts, adds
A fabric finish that adds weight and stiffness.
The application of salts to increase fabric weight. A process used in silk manufacturing.
An adjustment in a value on the basis of a judgment by the investigator.