Definitions for "Vegetative State"
a state of unconsciousness in which people can have eye
a type of coma that represents an awake but unresponsive state of consciousness
Also, perhaps more accurately, "persistent vegetative state" (sometimes abbreviated PVS). Brain damage and coma may progress to the point where a patient goes through normal sleep-waking cycles, but never regains consciousness. Such patients may be kept alive indefinitely, but offer no real possibility of improvement. The very few cases in which people have awoken from a long state of coma make the decision to withdraw treatment a difficult one for hopeful family members. But some cases are more clear-cut, at least from a medical standpoint. See also: definitions of death, futile treatment, quality of life. [See Case Studies related to Vegetative State
The active state of a bacterium where the cell takes in nourishment, grows, and produces wastes.