Definitions for "Vaccines"
Vaccines are microbial preparations of killed or modified microorganisms which can stimulate an immune response in the body in order to prevent future infection with similar microorganisms.
Microbial preparations of killed or modified microorganisms that can stimulate an immune response in the body to prevent future infection with similar microorganisms. These preparations are usually delivered by injection. See the entire definition of Vaccines
A preparation that contains an antigen consisting of whole disease-causing organisms (killed or weakened), or parts of such organisms, and is used to provide immunity against the disease that the organisms cause. Vaccine preparations can be natural, synthetic or derived by recombinant DNA technology.
Program that injects itself into an executable program to perform a signature check and warns if there have been any changes.
a complement to Genetronics' existing electroporation therapy program
Keywords:  bcg, promising, alternative
a promising alternative to BCG
a major component of the Company's strategic plan