Definitions for "Transesophageal Echocardiogram"
In this procedure used to test for the presence of blood clots in the heart, a tube is run down your Esophagus next to your heart. The Echocardiogram uses ultrasonic waves to visualize structural and functional abnormalities of the heart.
An invasive imaging procedure that creates a picture of the heart's movement, valves and chambers using high frequency sound waves that come from a small transducer passed down your throat. TEE provides clear images of the heart's movement because the transducer is close to the heart and limits interference from air in the lungs. Echo is often combined with Doppler ultrasound and color Doppler to evaluate blood flow across the heart's valves.
An ultrasound exam of the heart in which, a small flexible tube with an ultrasound probe (transducer) is passed into the esophagus (food tube) and stomach. The test shows a very clear picture of the hearts' chambers and valves.