Definitions for "Throughput"
Keywords:  gbps, bps, kbps, refinery, mbps
A measure over time of the output or production of a system, particularly a computer program.
1. The rate at which a processor can work expressed in instructions per second or jobs per hour or some other unit of performance. 2. The amount of data a communications channel can carry, usually in bytes per second.
The sum quantity of data that can be moved through a given data channel. Throughput measures the efficiency and capacity of data transfer within a system.
Refers to the sale of gasoline or other petroleum products, and is usually measure in gallons.
The volume of product dispensed from a tank system in a month.
The number of gallons pumped from the tank (dispensed) annually.
Rate of flow of matter, energy, or information through a system. Compare input, output.
The rate at which the entire system generates money.
The rate at which a measurement can be made, scaled to engineering units, and stored in Final Storage. The datalogger can scan sensors at rates exceeding the throughput rate (see Sample Rate). The primary factor affecting throughput rate is the amount of processing specified by the user. In normal operation, all processing called for by an instruction must be completed before moving on to the next instruction.
Keywords:  ldc, volume, workload, gas, tariff
The volume of work performed on a system or device by the users. Sometimes referred to as Workload.
Total of transportation volumes and tariff sales; all gas volumes delivered.
The volume of gas put through an LDC's lines over a given time period; includes sales and transportation volumes
Keywords:  houe, bbls, cfm, pipe, flow
A term that describes the flow through a pipe, i.e., CFM, BBLS/HOUE.
Keywords:  thumbnail, throw, wall, over
throw it over the wall thumbnail
The rate at which an I/O subsystem or component can perform I/O operations. Throughput is especially important for applications that perform many small I/O operations.
Keywords:  outgoing, goods, incoming
Incoming and outgoing goods
For disks, the transfer capacity of the disk system.
Capacity of a network.
A general term used when defining how much data is going how quickly over a particular transport medium, such as a wireless network or a phone line.
The movement of materials and energy through society, or the materials and energy so moved.
The products received, stored and shipped by a distribution center.