Definitions for "Tactile Defensiveness"
An individual with tactile defensiveness appears to overreact to sensation that most people do not particularly notice, or at least not bothered by. Common signs of tactile defensiveness include: sensitivity to certain types of clothes or fabrics; preference or aversion to foods which seems texture related; avoidance of touching substances such as finger paint or mud, or of getting one's hands messy; avoidance of walking barefoot on particular surfaces such as sand or grass; a greater than normal resistance to having teeth brushed, hair combed or face washed; and a tendency to prefer to touch rather than be touched, especially when the touching is unexpected.
Being overly sensitive to touch; withdrawing, crying, yelling or striking when one is touched.
A disorder in which a child interprets tactile stimulation or kinds of touch in an unusual manner, such as complaining that a light touch hurts, that a firm touch tickles. The child might try to avoid hugging, hand holding, different textures of food, etc.
A heightened awareness of the senses.
Heightened sensory awareness.
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