Definitions for "Systems theory"
The concept that all people, places, things and forces in the universe are integrated into a hierarchy of mutually influential matter and energy.
Systems theory or systems science argues that however complex or diverse the world that we experience, we will always find different types of organization in it, and such organization can be described by principles which are independent from the specific domain at which we are looking. Hence, if we would uncover those general laws, we would be able to analyze and solve problems in any domain, pertaining to any type of system. (Principia Cybernetica)
is that which arises when wholes, rather than parts, are investigated.
the idea that physical or non-material standing stocksobey scientific laws of conservation and accumulation as they are influenced byinflows and outflows regulated by negative feedback loops
A form of holism concerned with the organization and properties of "systems" at all levels of complexity. Much of the early inspiration for this approach came from an attempt to establish parallels between physiological systems in biology and social systems in the social sciences. The systems approach has been deeply influenced by cybernetics (q.v.). The central metaphor in much systems thinking is the self-regulating machine.
Model for understanding the family that emphasizes the reciprocal interactions among various members.