Definitions for "Syndication"
Web syndication is a form of syndication in which a section of a website is made available for other sites to use. This could be simply by licensing the content so other people can use it, but more commonly these days web syndication refers to making Web feeds available from a site so other people can display an updating list of content from it (for example one's latest forum postings, etc.). This originated with news and blog sites but is increasingly used to syndicate any information ( Wikipedia)
The supplying of information or content for simultaneous publication in several periodicals or web sites.
The sale of all or a portion of an original work to a number of publications, often newspapers, that will usually print the material more or less simultaneously.
An arrangement between a number of different parties or financial institutions to jointly devote resources to a particular undertaking. (See also Joint Venture).
Where a number of brokerage firms, or venture capital firms, will finance a securities offering or new business so that no one firm assumes all the risk.
The combining of resources by a number of different parties towards a particular undertaking or achieving a particular objective.
Free television outlets, other than the major networks, formed by a special "syndication" of independent stations (known as a "syndicated network") formed specifically for the purpose of airing or producing particular programming. An episodic series might be syndicated, but also a sports event or a movie.
A method of placing a program on a market-by-market basis.
A process whereby previously exhibited or recorded material is reused by (licensed to) a collection of buyers such as independent television and radio stations.[38]  Normally, when enough episodes of a television show are produced (typically three or four seasons, 66-88 episodes) a successful program may be sold in each broadcast market to be shown during non-network hours. Program producers ordinarily make all their profits during program syndication since the networks typically pay license fees to producers that are less for each program episode than it had cost to produce it.  Recently, however, exceptions to that rule can be found (e.g., new network deal for ER).
the process of arranging a syndicate.
The sale of equity interests in real estate projects to investors other than the original developer.
An arrangement whereby a group of investors come together to invest in an investment proposition which they would not be prepared to consider individually whether because of risk or amount of funding required. There is however usually a lead investor (see Section II above).
Investments involving a group (the syndicate) of capital providers [go back to glossary list
See: Co-investment.
A group of individuals or companies joined together in pursuit of a limited investment purpose.
In a public offer, usually, a syndicate of investment banks is formed to underwrite the issue. Each member of the syndicate is assigned a certain amount of liability and (number or quota of) shares to sell.
(1) Selling or distributing mailing lists; (2) offering for sale the findings of a research company.
organizing into or administering as a syndicate
financing by a group of lenders, usually financial institutions, combining to make up the total sum required for a project or bond issue.
Keywords:  act, process, forming
Act or process of syndicating or forming a syndicate.