Definitions for "Swaziland"
a landlocked monarchy in southeastern Africa; member of the Commonwealth that achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1968
This African country is a fairly important diamond source.
The Kingdom of Swaziland is a small, landlocked country in Southern Africa (one of the smallest on the continent), situated on the eastern slope of the Drakensberg mountains, embedded between South Africa in the west and Mozambique in the east. The country is named after the Swazi, a Bantu tribe. Largely as a result of having the world's highest rate of HIV infection, Swaziland has the lowest life expectancy on the planet: just 32.62 years.
A4 An already patchy payment record could be further worsened by a deteriorating political and economic environment. Nevertheless, the probability of a default is still acceptable.
Keywords:  pal
Keywords:  glossary, accounting
Swaziland accounting glossary
Keywords:  government
Government of Swaziland