Definitions for "Sverdrup"
a unit of flow sometimes used in oceanography to express the flow of ocean currents. One sverdrup equals one million cubic meters per second, which is also one cubic hectometer per second. The unit honors the Norwegian oceanographer and Arctic explorer H. U. Sverdrup (1888-1957).
Norwegian explorer who led expeditions into the Arctic (1855-1930)
The sverdrup, named in honour of the pioneering oceanographer Harald Sverdrup, is a unit of measure of volume transport. It is used almost exclusively in oceanography, to measure the transport of ocean currents. Its symbol is Sv.
Sverdrup is a lunar crater that is located about one crater diameter from the southern pole of the Moon. It lies on the far side of the Moon with respect to the Earth, in an area of the surface that is only illuminated by very oblique light from the Sun. The interior part of the crater is cloaked in perpetual darkness, and thus has not been mapped using photography.