Definitions for "SPINA"
a low wall running lengthwise on the centre of a Roman circus, i.e. being the ‘spine' of the space.
the divider down the middle of a circus, finished with metae at either end
The center strip running down the middle of a circus.
SPINA is software for determining constant structure-parameters of endocrine feedback control systems from hormone levels obtained in vivo. The first version of this cybernetic approach allows for evualuating the functional status of the thyroid gland.
The site of Spina, the Etruscan port city on the Adriatic, at the ancient mouth of the Po south of the lagoon where Venice would one day rise, was lost until modern times, when drainage schemes in the delta of the Po in 1922 first officially revealed a necropolis of Etruscan Spina about four miles west of the commune of Comacchio. The fishermen of Comacchio, it soon turned out, had been the source of "Etruscan" vases (actually originally imported from Greece) and other artefacts that had appeared for years on the archeological black market. The archaeological finds from the burials of spina aerial photography.