Definitions for "SMS - Short Message Service"
Keywords:  sms, gsm, alphanumeric, smsc, mmi
SMS or text messages are short (up to 160 character) messages sent to a mobile phone using GSM, across mobile phone networks or even from a website offering this service. Useful to send quick messages at low cost.
Allows the transmission of messages up to 160 alphanumeric characters to be sent to or from a GSM device. Also referred to as text messaging.
A text message service that enables short messages of generally no more than 140-160 characters in length to be sent and transmitted from and to a mobile phone. SMS was introduced in the GSM system and later supported by all other digital-based mobile communications systems. Unlike paging, but similar to email, short messages are stored and forwarded at SMS centres (SMSC), which means you can retrieve your messages later if you are not immediately available to receive them. SMS messages travel to the mobile phone over the system's control channel, which is separate and apart from the voice channel.