Definitions for "SIMRAN"
Constant remembrance of a person, place or thing of one's liking. By habit, all are doing simran of of one kind or another: of our relatives and friends, riches and possessions, or name and fame, all of which are of a temporary nature, and give just a flicker of pleasure which more often than not is tinged with sorrow. Saints enjoin the Simran of the God-power revealed by a God-man, a veritable source of eternal happiness.
In Sikhism, Simran refers to the repetition or recital of the God Names: Nām or of the Holy Text from the Two Granths of the Sikhs: the Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Dasam Granth. The word is derived from Sanskrit word Smaran meaning Remembrance. Also translates to ‘Meditation’ – The verb Simar, which is derived from Simran means meditating.