Definitions for "Shells"
Can range from 2" to 24" (& above if you are mad enough) Come as round or cylinder and can be single or multiple breaks
Shotgun ammunition often comes in plastic shells rather than metal cases, so shotgunners often refer to shells in conversations where a rifleman or handgunner would refer to cases. A shotgun shell usually contains a primer, powder, shot, and a wad. The shot may be multiple pellets, or a single large slug.
A cylinder of hardened steel fired from a gun, filled with a bursting charge that explodes. It can contain shrapnel, bullets or poison gas and the high explosive bursting charge can knock people out.
The scallop shell was the accepted badge of the pilgrim but as these are 19th century stones it can be accepted that these emblems are mainly decorative, indicating a pilgrimage of Christian faith rather than actuality. For stone 11 see 'Fisherman's tools'.
Keywords:  lithium, farther, helium, closest, atom
In an atom, shells are distances from the nucleus. The shells that are closest to the nucleus are filled first, and then the higher energy shells farther from the nucleus are filled. In the periodic table, elements in the same row all have the same number of shells of electrons. Hydrogen and helium (H and He) have only one shell of electrons, elements such as lithium in the second row have two shells of electrons, elements such as sodium in the third row have three shells and so forth.
Where the electrons generally stay. There are 4 types of electron shells: s, p, d and f shells.
The principle energy levels of electrons in atoms.
Preprinted items such as business cards or newsletters printed with one or two colors of ink, needing one color to complete the job. Used to reduce cost and time for multi-colored jobs.
Keywords:  'shards, see
see 'Shards'.
A marketing and sales promotional piece that depicts a destination, accommodation or attraction on the cover and provides space for copy to be added at a later date. Usually shells fit a #10 envelope.
Sea Shells Sea shells are attractive ornaments, made quickly by those with access to good color. Here are some attractive examples, at least at the scale of these pictures. Producing the white inner surface accurately is more of a challenge. Recently I have seen shells with glass pearls included.