Definitions for "RIDERS"
Additions or modification to the coverage of an insurance policy. The more common life insurance policy riders are as follows: Accidental Death Benefit, Cost-of Living Adjustment, Other Insured: Child Rider, Spouse Rider, Option to Purchase Additional Insurance, Return of Cash Value, Transfer of Insured, and Waiver of Premium.
Add-ons to a policy, i.e., a waiver of premiums, accidental death and dismemberment, or automatic premium loan.
(All) Supplemental agreement attached to and made a part of the policy, whether the policy's conditions are expanded and additional coverage added, coverage or condition is waived, or policy is in some other way customized to the needs of the insured.
unrelated provisions stuck into a bill.
Amendments attached to bills in conference committee, often completely unrelated to the bill to which they are added.
Keywords:  hog, ol, streets, cool, race
a cool video game where you race around the streets of LA on a big ol' hog