Definitions for "RDFS"
RDF Schema (RDFS) is a Semantic Web technology for defining vocabularies of RDF resources within a particular domain. RDFS defines the allowable properties that can be used by RDF instances in a given domain and specifies the classes that each resource belongs to. Used together, RDF and RDFS are read by machines, which can then make logical deductions and actions based on the relationships between resources. Learn how Altova makes RDF and RDFS creation and editing easy.
An acronym for Resource Description Framework Schema from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). See
(RDF Schema) - RDF provides a way to express simple statements about resources, using named properties and values. However, RDF users also need the ability to indicate that they are describing specific kinds or classes of resources, and will use specific properties in describing those resources. RDF Schema is intended to provide the mechanisms needed to specify classes and properties as part of a vocabulary, and to indicate which classes and properties are expected to be used together. In other words, RDF Schema provides a type system for RDF.