Definitions for "Raynaud's phenomenon"
Cold-induced or emotion-induced spasm of vessels that supply blood to the fingertips, causing white, blue, and red discoloration of the fingertips associated with pain.
A circulation disorder characterized by changes of blood flow, resulting in the hands and feet becoming pale, followed by redness and pain. This condition may be caused by cold, vibrations or emotions.
The Condition"...Consider the use of Vitamins C and E, cayenne, ginger, garlic, gingko biloba, and/or Inositol Hexaniacinate (IH, the non-flushing form of niacin)..." Recommendation Vitamin Inositol Hexaniacinate" Inositol hexaniacinate, a variation on the B-vitamin niacin, has been used with some success for relieving symptoms of Raynaud's disease..."