Definitions for "PROTOCOLS"
Keywords:  semantics, rules, strict, syntax, ftp
A set of rules for the exchange of information, such as those used for successful data transmission.
Uniform standards and specifications that allow a variety of computer hardware and operating systems to communicate.
The Internet functions using a series of standard protocols which allow different types of machines to communicate with each other. The passing of data packets around the Internet is occurs via the TCP/IP protocol, which stands for ‘Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. For a PC to be able to receive web pages or for a server to host web pages it must be configured by a technician to support this protocol. The HTTP protocol is used to allow computers to transfer and process HTML files. Thus the letters http:// are used to prefix all web addresses. SMPT is a mail protocol to allow e-mail to be sent across the Internet and FTP allows other types of files to be downloaded.
The Australian National Schools Network has developed protocols that schools may find particularly helpful in frameworks to investigate educational processes and issues. They include the Tuning Protocol which is a useful tool for allowing a variety of voices and perspectives to be shared, while focusing intently on a specific presentation. The ATLAS Protocol - Authentic teaching, Learning and Assessment for All Students which is a tool to help teachers better understand how their students develop understanding. The 6 A's Protocol which provides a process that is designed to analyse a curriculum unit or project and provide the scaffold that students need to succeed. The Consultancy Protocol where a presenter's work is discussed by a group. Further reference:
The plan for the course of a scientific experiment. When a principal investigator is conducting research that involves human or animal subjects, the procedures must be approved by the appropriate review committee. A protocol number is assigned when approval has been granted.
A protocol is a blueprint for the trial, which describes how the trial will proceed, what types of patients will be eligible for the trial, the number of patients required, the type of care they will receive and so on. All protocols are reviewed by the sponsoring group (for example, the NCI or FDA) and the IRB (Institutional Review Board) of the institution where the research is being conducted to ensure patients are fully informed and that risks are minimized.
an advantage to the JuxtaNet just as the open nature of the Gnutella protocol is an advantage to GnutellaNet
A formal document for a study, written by a scientist, that details the exact patient population, the treatment selection rational, hypotheses under study, method of treatment, method of observation, and data to be reported.
Treatment plans.
Treatment design.
Keywords:  sieries, hoc, osi, accomplish, vendors
Developed by international standards bodies, individual LAN equipment vendors, and ad hoc groups of interested parties to define how to implement a group of services in one or two layers of the OSI model.
A sieries of steps involving two or more parties designed to accomplish a task
Keywords:  gats, deals, extra, third, attached
Extra agreements attached to the GATS. The Third Protocol deals with the movement of natural persons.
standards for EMS practice in a variety of situations within the EMS system.
This is the name given to new Rights which have been added to the original Convention over the years.