Definitions for "Primary care trusts"
Keywords:  pct, nhs, dentist, opticians, gps
PCTs are responsible for the planning and securing of health services and improving the health of the local population. The 303 PCTs in England have been given the funding to plan and commission health services for their local communities - a role previously carried out by health authorities. They control 75 per cent of the NHS budget and since April 2003, they have acted as the channel for disbursement of the central pooled drug treatment budget. PCTs account to the Healthcare Commission and strategic health authorities for the delivery of treatment through the NHS priorities and planning framework (PPF). Whereas all PCTs in the DAT area are responsible for the delivery of treatment, in many areas of the country there is more than one PCT in each DAT area. Where this is the case a lead PCT is identfied to hold funds and report progress on drug treatment on behalf of the others.
locally managed free-standing primary care NHS bodies, responsible for improving health, commissioning and providing primary and community services for local residents
Similar to PCGs, but with greater flexibility to employ staff, develop premises and share budgets with other organisations.