Definitions for "Pareto chart"
Keywords:  vilfredo, juran, graph, trivial, chart
A graphical tool that helps break a big problem down into its parts and then identifies which parts are the most important.
A bar chart that arranges events in order of frequency. Named after 19th century economist Vilfredo Pareto.
A vertical bar graph showing the bars in descending order of significance, ordered from left to right. Helps to focus on the vital few problems rather than the trivial many. An extension of the Pareto Principle suggests that the significant items in a given group normally constitute a relatively small portion of the items in the total group. Conversely, a majority of the items will be relatively minor in significance, (i.e. the 80/20 rule).
a special form of a histogram where the categories have been sorted from most frequent to least frequent
a natural follow-up to a cause-and-effect diagram and can easily be constructed from data collected on a check sheet