Definitions for "Paecilomyces"
sp. Commonly found in soil and dust, less frequently in air. P. variotii can cause paecilomycosis. Linked to wood-trimmers disease and humidifier associated illnesses. They are reported to be allergenic. Some members of this genus are reported to cause pneumonia. It may produce arsine gas if growing on arsenic substrate. This can occur on wallpapers covered with Paris green.
(pay-sill-oh-my-sees) - contaminant / opportunistic pathogen, found world wide in soil and decaying vegetation, associated with pulmonary and sinus infections in those who had organ transplants, as well as inflammation of the cornea. Some reports of allergies, humidifier associated illnesses, and pneumonia.
A common saprobe found on dead plant and compost. Some species are insect parasites. Can cause food decomposition. It is rarely a human pathogen, but can cause infection in animals. However, some species are emerging as causative agents of disease in immunocompromised individuals.