Definitions for "OPT-OUT"
You can opt-out from pre-approved credit card offers, insurance offers and other third party marketing by calling 1-888-5-OPT-OUT. Calling this number will stop mail offers that use your credit data from all three credit bureaus. You can also call this number to ask to opt-in again.
The process of declining to receive email from a business source or unsubscribing if the recipient is already on a mailing list.
Email marketing program in which users assumes a permission to send emails to everyone who has not precisely specified that they do not want to receive such emails.
Keywords:  cdt, privacy, cra, disclosure, chose
A user prohibits a company from using personal information for marketing purposes.
Also called "negative consent." The organization presents the individual with an opportunity to express non-agreement to an identified purpose. Unless the individual takes action to "opt out" of the purpose - that is, say "no" to it - the organization assumes consent and proceeds with the purpose. The individual should be clearly informed that the failure to "opt out" means that the individual is consenting to the proposed use or disclosure of information. (Source: Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada fact sheet.)
An opt-out policy means that the consumer must declare, in a written or verbal statement, that he or she does not want to receive information from a given source. If the consumer does not opt-out, he or she will receive information from the marketer, and it is likely that the marketer will sell the consumer's name and other information to third parties, who will also target marketing toward the consumer.
(1) type of program that assumes inclusion unless stated otherwise. (2) to remove oneself from an opt-out program.
Either a type of program that assumes inclusion unless stated otherwise or to remove oneself from an opt-out program.
Keywords:  weekend, voter, toll, night, election
each consumer is automatically included in the aggregation buying pool unless the individual affirmatively decides to opt out or withdraw from the group. The opt-out method requires voter approval at an election. Peak/off-peak rate: any variable telephone rate that is applied on a per call basis. The variable rates are typically set at day (highest rate); evening (moderate rate) and night/weekend (lowest rate). The time and rates will vary with each carrier and are typically applied to toll calls.
The option for member countries to exclude certain industries and installations from emissions trading until 2007 if they ensure comparable climate protection measures with respect to emissions limits, inspection, and sanctions.
This is an option available in some HMOs, (also known as a point-of-service program) which allow the beneficiary to "opt" to receive services from a provider outside of the HMO's plan, for which the beneficiary pays higher out of pocket costs.
A special facility given to one or more member states that allows them to ignore a specific element within a legislative measure or part of an agreed programme.
Opt-out is where a customer is given opportunity to block communication services (or marketer messages).