Definitions for "Open Hearth Furnace"
A broad, shallow hearth to refine pig iron and scrap into steel. Heat is supplied from a large, luminous flame over the surface, and the refining takes seven to nine hours. The open-hearth process has been replaced by the basic oxygen process in most modern facilities.
A furnace for melting metal, in which the bath is heated by the convection of hot gases over the surface of the metal and by radiation from the roof.
A reverbatory melting furnace with a shallow hearth, on which the charge is placed beneath a low roof. Heating of the charge is both by direct flame and by radiation from the furnace roof and sidewalls. This type of furnace is no longer used in Western Europe as a steelmaking unit as it has now been replaced, for economic and quality reasons, by the Basic Oxygen and the Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking processes.