Definitions for "Offerings"
Keywords:  tekbilek, faruk, omar, stevens, steve
Offerings is the second album by VAS, with guests Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Steve Stevens, and Hans Christian.
Keywords:  saxons, anglo, bogs, denmark, sweden
These are gifts that people make to please the gods so that they will answer their prayers. When the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons still lived in Sweden and Denmark they sometimes killed people to give them as offerings to the gods. These offerings - or 'human sacrifices' - were to please the earth-goddess. The bodies of some of these people have been found in large bogs in Sweden and Denmark. The bodies did not decay because the peat in the bogs kept them whole. Back
Items left in thanksgiving to a saint or other holy figure, including flowers, candles, and milagros.
A method of accumulating merit in the mahayana system as part of the perfection of generosity.
Official reserves Official settlements balance overall balance
Keywords:  goes, firm, initial, stock, market
Often refers to initial public offerings. When a firm goes public and makes an offering of stock to the market.