Definitions for "NEXIS"
The general and business news database. NEXIS provides the full text of newspaper, magazine, newsletter articles, wire-service stories, and other items.
Full-text research and information service with a database of more than 160 U.S. and overseas general, business, and news information sources.
Mead Data Central, Inc. 3445 Newmark Drive Miamisburg, OH 45343 Telephone: (513) 865-5858 (800) 227-4908 Company Web: Each of these databases provides full-text coverage of several publications useful in tracking legislation and regulations. Both offer the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), as well as the full texts of bills from the current Congress, digest information on bills from previous Congresses, and statistical forecasts of the chances of passage of pending legislation. Among NEXIS highlights are the National Journal, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, pending bill status, floor and committee votes, congressional members' voting records, and committee schedules. In its General Federal Library. LEXIS provides access to the U.S. Code, public laws, and numerous federal judicial decisions.
This is a legal research tool/repository that contains numerous law related legacy documents.