Definitions for "Mental model"
A representation of a problem space that is held inside the head of the problem solver. A good mental model forms an analogue of the real world representation of the problem. In other words, this model should have the same functional nature and structure as the system it models. See [ Johnson-Laird83] and [ Ormerod90].
a mental representation that people use to organize their experience about themselves, others, the environment, and the things with which they interact; its functional role is to provide predictive and explanatory power for understanding these phenomena
an internal representation employed to encode, predict, and evaluate the consequences of perceived and intended changes to the operator s current state within the dynamic environment
(see also textbook glossary) A knowledge structure that a person creates in order to help the person understand events.
chosen set of beliefs and method to interpret a given context; usually underpinned by a less-conscious paradigm or worldview
An individual's existing understanding and interpretation of a given concept, which is formed and reformed on the basis of experiences, beliefs, values, socio-cultural histories, and prior perceptions. Our mental models (or schemas) affect how we interpret new concepts and events. (Lambert & Walker, 1995, p.1.)
a kind of shorthand for experience (or a stereotype of it)
a kind of summary of background knowledge about a topic
a set of correlated topics, typically linked by causal relationships
a prerequisite for developing Performance Indicators
an individual's personal knowledge of a phenomenon - in this case, of animals
an individual's way of looking at the world
Mental structure that approximately stands for something in the world.