Definitions for "Logical volume"
A collection of physical partitions organized into logical partitions all contained in a single volume group. Logical volumes are expandable and can span several physical volumes in a volume group. See also logical partition (page ***), volume group (page ***), and migration installation. (page ***)
A collection of disk space from one or more disks. Each collection appears to the operating system as a single disk. Like disks, logical volumes can be used to hold file systems, raw data areas, dump areas, or swap areas. Unlike disks, logical volumes can be given a size when they are created, and a logical volume can later be expanded or reduced. Also, logical volumes can be spread over multiple disks.
On HP-UX, this term is most often used when referring to disk groups created by the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) software. Because logical RAID drives appear to the system as large SCSI disks, logical volumes might span logical drives. This can be useful, for example, to mirror data across multiple HP RAID 4Si controllers.
a collection of separately addressed subvolumes, consisting of a data subvolume, an optional real-time subvolume, and an optional log subvolume
a named collection of extents