Definitions for "Kosha"
Keywords:  bliss, ananda, atman, prana, maya
It refers to the subtle bodies, the sheaths. Human body has five sheaths in all, namely the sheath of knowledge, the sheath of bliss, the sheath of prana, the sheath of mind and the sheath of food.
(lit. sheath or covering). The following are the five Koshas, as described by the Vedanta philosophy: Annamaya-kosha or the gross physical sheath, made up of and sustained by food. Pranamaya-kosha or the vital sheath, consisting of the five vital energies (see pranshakti). Manomaya-kosha or the mental sheath. Vidnyanamaya-kosha or the sheath of the intellect.Ânandamaya-kosha or the innermost core of Bliss. These five sheaths are arranged one inside the other and surround the soul, which is a state of Shanti (Absolute peace).
sheath for sword
Kosha is a fictional game featured in the 1960s television series The Prisoner. The game is played in The Village's gymnasium and featured in several episodes. The setting for the game is comprised of two trampolines with a small pool of water set between them, situated next to a half-enclosing catwalk-edged wall that allows players to jump up to and stand on it (as well as grapple on it) as part of the game.