Definitions for "Kela"
Keywords:  sauvage, tache, hides, add, roller
The mechanical process that adds a second colour or sauvage-look to hides. This is an additional step in the finishing stage, in which a relief roller creates a marbled look and increases the finish’s character. The name Kela is derived from the name of the manufacturer which made the original machine. Other names describing the same look are Tache, High Lighted, Effect Coat or Two Tone .
Mechanical process used to add a sauvage look to leather hides.
KELA, or Kansaneläkelaitos (in Finnish), also FPA or Folkpensionsanstalten (in Swedish) Social Insurance Institute (SII in English), is a Finnish government agency in charge of payment for the national social security programs. It was founded in 1937 to handle retirement pay, but in the 1980s and 1990s its role was expanded to handle other fields like child benefits and unemployment benefits.
Keywords:  banana