Definitions for "IID"
IGNITION INTERLOCK DEVICE: Person convicted of DUI must install an IID in any vehicle to be operated by the person and must also use the device for six months after the end of the suspension period before becoming eligible for full reinstatement. [ return to top of glossary
Intermittent Ignition Device. The electronic control and switching device used in electronic ignition heaters to operate the control circuit and automatic gas valve.
Intermittent Ignition Device. IIDs are linked to a furnace or boiler's thermostat and light the pilot by means of a spark or other heat source when needed. IIDs are more fuel-efficient than the traditional approach of maintaining a continuously burning pilot flame.
Interaural Intensity Difference. Interaural Phase Differences (IPD) Interaural Time Difference (ITD)
Interaural intensity difference. The difference between the perceived amplitude (gain) of the signal from a source as it reaches the listener's left and right ears.
Imperial Irrigation District, primarily agricultural irrigation district in Imperial County south of the Salton Sea. Has priority 3(a) to California’s apportionment of Colorado River water. Coachella has priority 3(b). MWD has fourth.
Imperial Intelligence Directorate—the most feared organization in the Imperium.
GUID that identifies a COM interface.
Interface ID {xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx}. A unique number that identifies a given interface.
Intent to Involuntarily Dissolve A notice to an entity of an impending action to cause its involuntary dissolution
infectious intestinal disease. any disease affecting humans and characterised by nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Such diseases are often but not always foodborne
Independently and identically distributed; a property of a sequence of numbers.