Definitions for "Hyperbilirubinemia"
Condition in which a person has greater-than-normal value (+12.50 mg/dl in the infant) of bilirubin in the blood. Signs: jaundiced look to skin and whites of eyes.
an abnormally large amount of bilirubin or yellow bile pigment in the circulating blood, resulting in clinically apparent icterus or jaundice when the concentration is sufficient[close window
Elevation in blood bilirubin level, causing jaundice. Most newborns have a rise in bilirubin in the first days following birth. At very high blood levels bilirubin can be toxic to the nervous system; therefore, blood bilirubin levels are followed on babies with jaundice so that treatment can be started before levels become excessive. High bilirubin levels can be treated with light therapy (see: phototherapy). Uncommonly, extreme bilirubin levels unresponsive to phototherapy may require an exchange transfusion to drop the bilirubin level.