Definitions for "Fontographer"
Specialized graphics editor designed by Altsys and now owned by Macromedia. It simplifies the editing and creation of high quality fonts, logos, typefaces and other intricate PostScript and TrueType artwork, in addition to generating EPS outlines for use in PostScript illustration programmes. Fontographer generates Type I PostScript language fonts (for the Macintosh, IBM-compatible PCs, and NeXT) as well as TrueType and Type 3 PostScript fonts (for IBM-compatible PCs and the Macintosh).
font creation tool from Macromedia.
Macromedia, via Altsys] A popular Type 1 font editing program for Mac and Windows, used by amateurs and professionals alike. Although hundreds of excellent typefaces have been created with it, it's unsuitable for generating high quality screen type. It can generate TrueType fonts, but these are *auto-hinted fonts which can be greatly improved with a dedicated TrueType hinting system. Macromedia, who have owned the program since taking over Altsys (the original developers of both Fontographer and FreeHand), maintain an official Fontographer website. Rumours of a version 5.0 come and go. Probably they will wait until OpenType settles down before they release a new version. They may also want to check how successful the *RoboFog project is... currently all RoboFog customers must have a valid licence to Fontographer 4.0.