Definitions for "Expert systems"
applications of artificial intelligence techniques to perform decision-making tasks based on a programmed set of rules and logic within specific subject areas. Examples include insurance underwriting or investing which frequently employ case-based reasoning or semantic analysis. View records related to this term
Automated system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions based on para-meters built into the system rather than analysis of date.
Computer systems in which the knowledge of experts can be incorporated into the system (hence they are also known (loosely) as knowledge-based systems). An expert system has two parts – a knowledge base, and an inference engine which works on the knowledge base. Such systems are particularly useful for dealing with highly complex tasks (e.g., network management, medical diagnosis) in which it is difficult to make the expertise of specialists sufficiently explicit to incorporate in a conventional computer program. IBM forays into expert systems have included CSF DEDALE, Epistle, ESCE/PC, ESE, Handy, KnowledgeTool, KEE, TQA, YES/MVS, TIRS, Integrated Reasoning Shell, GPSI, Neural Network Utility. Unfortunately, expert systems never really delivered on their promise, and their failure gave Artificial Intelligence (AI) a black eye in the business world. AI has been quietly used in many successful software products in the last few years, now that the processing power exists to actually make it work properly.
Computer problem-solving programs with a very narrow scope that only deal with problems in a limited domain of knowledge (e.g., the diagnosis of infectious diseases).
Refers to computer programs that apply substantial knowledge of specific areas of expertise to the problem solving process. The term expert is intended to apply both narrow specialization and competence where success of the system is often due to this narrow focus .
An expert system is a type of application program that makes decisions or solves problems in a particular field by using knowledge and analytical rules defined by experts in the field.
As the name suggests, attempt to mimic the thinking processes used by a human expert in a topic.
computer hardware and software which attempt to duplicate the decision-making processes used by skilled investigators in the analysis of evidence and in the recognition of patterns which such evidence might represent.