Definitions for "Excitatory"
A neural synapse or weight that is positive, so that activity at that connection encourages activity in the connected neuron.
Refers to a neural synapse or weight that is positive such that activity in the source neuron encourages activity in the connected neuron; the opposite of inhibitory.
Promoting the action of (an)other neuron(s); increasing the probability that a postsynaptic neuron will fire.
Pathologies Transmitter
Pathologies Therapeutics Polymorphism Threshold
(of drugs e.g.) able to excite or stimulate
Stimulating or increasing brain electrical activity; causing nerve cells to fire.
Exerting stimulating effects
Excites, speeds up. To describe the other type of neurotransmitter.
Keywords:  tending, containing
Tending to excite; containing excitement; excitative.