Definitions for "Dynamic equilibrium"
equilibrium. Compare with position of equilibrium. Dynamic equilibrium is established when two opposing processes are occuring at precisely the same rate, so that there is no apparent change in the system over long periods of time.
A dynamic equilibrium will form if, at a given temperature, two reversible processes occur at the same rate.
a market equilibrium that results when present and future costs and benefits are considered.
a type of change where opposing forces or actions are balanced
A state of balance with respect to environmental factors and populations of organisms.
A condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system; a stable balance.
a system in flux, but with influxes equal to outfluxes.
Short term morphological changes that do not affect the MORPHOLOGY over a long period. | Glossary home X Y Z
That condition of a body in uniform motion in which the resultant of all the forces acting thereon is zero.
that state of motion in which the velocity is constant
a state in which there appears to be nothing happening, a state in which there is no net change, but is also a state in which chemical reactions are taking place, often at rapid rates
the maintenance of body position, mainly the head, in response to sudden movements such as rotation