Definitions for "Contractility"
The quality or property by which bodies shrink or contract.
The power possessed by the fibers of living muscle of contracting or shortening.
A measure of the performance of the heart for a given preload and afterload. Contractility is measured by the mean maximum rate of change of the intra-ventricular heart pressure per cardiac cycle for a given preload and afterload, or as the slope of the end-systolic curve at a given preload and afterload. It is important to note that 'contractility' is used in some contexts to denote the general property of contractility, while in other contexts it is meant to denote the specific contractility of a muscle (its contractility for a given preload and afterload). In other words, the term 'contractility' designates a function in some contexts, while in other contexts 'contractility' designates the value of that function for some particular pair of preload and afterload values. to the top
Capacity for becoming shorter in response to a suitable stimulus.
Capacity for becoming short in response to a suitable stimulus.
ability of a cell to contract in presence of a suitable stimulation.
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Meperidine Substrate
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