Definitions for "Competency"
The state of being competent; fitness; ability; adequacy; power.
the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually, especially possession of the skill and knowledge required (for a task).
a personal characteristic which differentiates the superior performer from the average performer.
Competency is a legal concept that refers both to a person's right and ability to manage his/her own affairs and make life decisions. A competent person is entitled to make decisions; an incompetent person has a legal representative, or "guardian," who makes decisions on behalf of the person determined to be incompetent. Adults are presumed competent while minors are presumed incompetent. The presumed incompetence of a minor can be overcome by "emancipation" or can be modified by laws pertaining to certain proceedings. The presumed competence of an adult can be overcome by special judicial proceedings to declare the person incompetent, proceedings for "interdiction", or for a "continuing tutorship". Without clear proof, adults are considered competent and able to make their own decisions.
The capacity to make autonomous decisions. Health-care professionals often run up against the difficult question of whether patients' expressed preferences represent their real preferences or are by-products of impaired reasoning, perception or judgment, due to various medical factors. Chronic conditions can make some patients unable to effectively direct the course of their own treatment or to follow necessary prescriptions of physicians, nurses, etc. Such patients may be declared "incompetent" and treated differently than others, e.g., with concern for their health overriding their expressed wishes. [See Case Studies related to Competency
Term used in legal situations where a person's competency to change a will, look after their affairs, or be tried for criminal actions is in doubt. Careful mental state testing is required, often repeated, to determine competency. In those people with problems various legal protections can be organised.
Legal capacity or qualifications; fitness; as, the competency of a witness or of a evidence.
Right or authority; legal power or capacity to take cognizance of a cause; as, the competence of a judge or court.
In the law of evidence, the presence of those characteristics which render a witness legally fit and qualified to give testimony.
a faculty developed and demonstrated on one job and transferable to another job
a measurable, observable demonstration of something a student knows and is able to do
a successful demonstration of learning that occurs at the cusp of a set of learning experiences
a conceptual representation of a body of knowledge
Keywords:  proven, expertise, area
a proven area of expertise
A description of the largest item of bed load a stream can move. This is affected by particle shape, dimensions, and density, as well as discharge and turbulence of flow.
The knowledge and experience needed to conduct surveillance and evaluation.
a specific statement about what the learners will be able to do as a result of teaching
Loop Specificity
In colonial New England, competency was defined as the possession of enough property to maintain a family's independent economic existence.
Keywords:  clay, plastic
Plastic (Clay)
Qualification based on the meeting of certain minimum requirements of age and soundness of mind.
Property or means sufficient for the necessaries and conveniences of life; sufficiency without excess.
A professional standard requiring a computer professional to keep up with the latest developments in the industry.