Definitions for "Comitatus"
"war band," a group of young men who were closely associated with the king in some southern tribes that swore loyalty to the chief, fought with him in battle, and were not supposed to leave the battlefield without him. (p. 211)
Comitatus is a historical reenactment and living history society, dedicated to the study and re-enactment of Late Roman, Germanic and Romano-British life 306-866.
Keywords:  thanes, armor, shelter, lord, food
the agreement between a lord and his thanes. The lord provides food, shelter, and armor to his men in return for their protection.
A comitatus (less frequently, a comitat, or, inaccurately, a county; for the various names, their origin and use see here) is the name of an administrative unit in the Kingdom of Hungary from the 10th century to 1918.